Product tips

How to work with Eco-wax?

For hassle-free processing of this environmentally friendly wax, we recommend that you follow the tips below:

Eco-wax is dipped or moulded at a temperature of 55 °C.

Dipping with Eco wax

When dipping 100% eco-wax candles, we recommend that you dip to a diameter of a maximum of 1 cm. Thicker candles will crack during the cooling process. Wick size: flat wick 3x12.

Moulding with Eco-wax

The most suitable casts for moulding 100% eco-wax candles are short, thin round casts like those used for our bell candle no. 2, short candle no. 1 and, surprisingly, the conical star or cone casts. Thicker, longer candles can crack during the cooling process. By adding 10 % T119 paraffin, the candles will be less prone to cracking. Please note: the moulding temperature must be at least 65 °C.

We recommend the following wick sizes:

Bell candle no.2 flat wick 3x14
Short candle no. 1 flat wick 3x16
Conical star flat wick 3x16
Cone flat wick 3x14

Eco-wax candles can leak. We recommend that you dip the candles in Gildewerk Coating wax. The higher melting point (75 °C dipping temperature) creates a layer which prevents leaking.

This wax is also ideal for the filling of pots and glasses. We recommend wax wick PPB-00010 with a wick foot (PVH-2K300). If you like fragranced candles, mix the eco-wax with a maximum of 10% of perfumed paraffin and pour the mixture into a straight or curved votive glass.

There are many Eco-wax developments in progress. You can follow these:

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  • in product news
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    How to work with Eco-wax Instruction Manual

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