Product tips

Making Perfumed Candles

Perfumed candles are extremely popular. Gildewerk supplies a large range of delicious aromas suitable for any occasion. Besides perfumed paraffin, Gildewerk also supplies citronella perfume oil, which has a fresh fragrance while keeping mosquitoes at bay.

Directions for use
1. Fill a pourer with wax at a temperature of approximately 90° C.
2. Add the desired fragrance to the hot wax. A maximum of 10% perfume paraffin and a maximum of 5% perfume oil should be added.
3. Perfume can affect the colour of the wax. This problem can be avoided by colouring the wax throughout (one half to a maximum of one tablet per litre).
4. Stir well and fill the cast, votive glass or garden pot.

Please note
Because the perfume is concentrated, the working area must be well ventilated during production to prevent overpowering aromas. These odours can be limited by making sure that the production of perfumed candles takes place towards the end of the day. Then everyone can return to a fresh atelier in the morning.

There is a grandmother’s remedy for dealing with undesirable odours: boil water with a generous amount of vinegar. The vinegar will evaporate and break down any odours in the area.

Making Perfumed Candles Instruction Manual

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